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You Can Retire Sooner Thanks To AI šŸ’°

Talking animals, sodas made by AI, and one prompt to change your financial future...

Happy Wednesday!

I hope youā€™re doing well, or at least better than the folks who are shelling out $100 an hour on a financial advisor for something that AI can do for free in seconds.

Keep reading this email to learn how AI can help you retire early without breaking the bank!

Todayā€™s Menu šŸ„”

  • Speaking To Animals: This Isnā€™t Sci-Fi
  • Limited Edition Coca-Cola: Made By AI
  • Why Pay $100/Hr?: ChatGPT Works For Free


Can AI Help Us Speak To Animals? šŸ•

Scientists believe that artificial intelligence can work its magic to understand and translate animal sounds into human language.

Finally demystifying our chatty pets!

I mean, after all those years of free food, water, and a cozy lap to sleep on, learning a little English is the least they can do.

Animals have their unique ways of expressing themselves. Be it wagging their tail, barking at walls, or sniffing some rump.

And researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel have constructed a test for AI called the ā€˜Doctor Doolittle Challenge.ā€™

Before they can run around exclaiming animals can talk back, they have to be sure that large language models understand the animalā€™s natural signals, the animal uses them regularly [outside of mating & threatening situations], and has a measurable response to said animal as if it was the animal.

Interesting stuff, but will we truly be able to chat with these fur balls in the near future? Or will their elusive language forever evade us?

Only time will tell.

Together With Aragon:

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Coca-Colaā€™s Limited Edition Drink Is Made By AI šŸ§ƒ

Image source: CNN

Coca-Cola, the 131-year-old company, recently launched a limited-edition zero-sugar drink created by AI and itā€™s called Y3000.

Aiming to offer coke enthusiastsā€¦

ā€œA refreshing taste and a glimpse of what the future could look like through Coca-Colaā€™s new AI-powered experience.ā€

– Coke
The Y3000 beverage was designed to taste mostly like Coke with a bit of something else.

The company relied on regular old human insights by finding out what flavors people associate with the future, and then, it used AI to help figure out flavor pairings and profiles.

For the productā€™s packaging ā€” which appears to allude to a Y2K aesthetic with funky bubbles, pink and blue coloring and a pixelated logo ā€” Coca-Cola used AI-generated images to create a mood board for inspiration.

The aluminum can even gives credit where itā€™s due, prominently noting itā€™s ā€œCo-Created with AI.ā€

Y3000, which comes in zero and full sugar varieties in the United States and Canada, will be sold for a limited time starting Tuesday and cost as much as regular Coke.

Make Life Simple With AI

This prompt can be used to create a course for any subject you want to learn or expand your knowledge on.

I donā€™t know about you, but according to a new survey, only 37% of U.S. adults are interested in using AI tools such as ChatGPT to help them manage their money.

It makes sense – why anyone would even consider paying for financial advice when weā€™ve got ChatGPT?

Now, I get it. Some people might argue that flesh-and-blood financial advisors bring a personal touch and lifelong insights to the table.

But letā€™s be realā€¦ every hour you spend chatting with them could be funding your future off days.

Introducing the ā€˜Unlocking Early Retirementā€™ prompt:

All you have to do is click on the prompt above, enter your current age, your desired retirement age, and a few other tidbits of informationā€¦

Then, watch how ChatGPT gives you personalized advice and strategies to help you hit your goals – all for free!

No hourly feesā€¦

No appointmentsā€¦

And most importantlyā€¦ no small talk about the weather.

Try it out now: Unlocking Early Retirement


Todayā€™s Fast Snacks šŸ„”

Zuck Doesnā€™t Want To Get Left Behind

Meta is apparently developing a new secret and powerful AI-language model to compete with ChatGPTā€¦

The FTC Is Setting Itsā€™ Sights On Generative AI

The Federal Trade Commission [FTC] is making a case for aggressive antitrust enforcementā€¦

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You Can Retire Sooner Thanks To AI šŸ’°