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The Hottest AI Tool Of 2023 🔥

Learn how Magic Keys can improve your productivity...

Today’s Menu 🥠

  • An AI Tool You Need To Download
  • Instagram’s New AI Story Feature
  • 5 Trending AI-Powered Tools
  • Random AI Images From The Web


Fast Snacks 🥡

Billionaires Played Key Role In Biden’s AI Order

Researchers from the RAND Corporation — which took more than $15 million this year from a group financed by a Facebook co-founder — were a driving force behind the White House’s sweeping new AI reporting requirements…

OpenAI Suspends Chinese Internet Giant For Platform
According to a report, internal ByteDance documents confirmed the “OpenAI API has been relied on to develop its foundational LLM”…

How To Prevent Hallucinations From Claude
While Claude is trained to be an honest assistant, it may still occasionally “hallucinate” in an effort to be as helpful as possible…

Link Building In An AI Powered World 🚀 can help you and your friends get quality backlinks from major sites like Hubspot and more…


Yesterday’s God-Tier AI Goodies 🌟

If you didn’t get to read yesterday’s email, you don’t have to go and find it. This is the recap of what you missed.

Our latest AI product, Magic Keys, is now live in the Chrome Web Store [mobile readers will need to switch to desktop in order to download].

But what exactly does it do?

It turns your slow, chunky AI workflow into a fast-action sequence.

Allowing you to:

  • Send your custom prompts to any AI platform with one click [like ChatGPT, Bard, Midjourney, Claude, etc]
  • Access your prompts anywhere on the web with hotkeys.
  • Instantly save your off-the-cuff prompts from your AI chats.

Basically, it saves you time – your most valuable resource.

During our testing, we found that the average user spends about 33~ seconds sending a single prompt with an LLM like ChatGPT.

And those seconds quickly add up.

If you use ChatGPT 100 times per day, you’re throwing away:

  • 31 minutes per day
  • 3.5 hours per week
  • 111 hours per month
  • 55 days per year

Can you imagine wasting 55 days of your year?!

Hell, 122 days of the year are already spent sleeping, so throwing away an additional 55 days is insane.

How does Magic work?

  1. You add your custom prompts to your library.
  2. You bind them to a hotkey like ALT+1 [just like how CTRL+C = copy]
  3. You press your hotkey to pull up your prompt template.
  4. You change your inputs
  5. Magic opens the chosen LLM and sends your prompt to work.

Every lengthy process and tedious conversation now only takes a second – literally.

Don’t believe us?

Download it for yourself or watch it in action:

Magic Workflow vs. Non-Magic Workflow

Save A Prompt In Less Than A Second

Generate A Blog Post Image In 3 Seconds


Together With Deepgram:

Aura: A Powerful New Text-To-Speech API đź’»

In an LLM-centric world, speech-to-text and text-to-speech technologies have become indispensable.

Introducing Aura, a powerful real-time text-to-speech (TTS) API for conversational voice applications. Compared to alternatives, Aura produces human-like speech more quickly and efficiently.

Learn more about Deepgram Aura and how you can join the waitlist.

Join The Waitlist →


Snack Quiz: Choose The Real Image 🔍

Can you tell which image is real?

  • A. Image One 👆
  • B. Image Two 👇

Login or Subscribe to participate in polls.


Sprinkle AI Into Your IG Stories 🎂

Have you ever wanted to post a story to remind your audience you still got it going on? I mean, let’s be honest, it’s social media – AKA our human highlight reel – who doesn’t want the applause? Well, brace yourselves for the new IG update that’ll blow your feed (and ego) sky-high.

Instagram added a generative AI feature that makes your life seem cooler than it really is, that lets you change your photo backgrounds with only a prompt. Just describe what you want and watch the magic happen.

Say you post a story and want it to look like you’re wrestling a polar bear (for whatever weird reason). With this new feature, consider it done.

Or maybe you went to your cousin’s wedding, rented a black tux, and want to use this opportunity to live out your James Bond fantasy. (Or is that just me?)

The point is, with this tool, you get the magic of AI at your fingertips. And the best part… you can use it today. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure you’re in the US: This feature is only currently available to users in the United States. Shout out to Uncle Sam.
  2. Update your Instagram app: The background editor is part of the latest Instagram update, so ensure you have the most recent version.
  3. Create a new Instagram story: Tap the “+” button on your home screen or profile picture.
  4. Find the “Backdrop” button: It’s located at the top of the editing screen, next to the sticker and text options.
  5. Select the subject of your photo: IG makes it easy and highlights the main subject. But you can choose the subject with just a click.
  6. Get creative with your prompts: Type in what you want for your background. Remember, the more specific you are, the better the AI can understand your vision.
  7. Tap “Backdrop” and watch the magic happen! The AI will generate a new background based on your prompt.
  8. Customize further (optional): You can adjust the AI-generated background to your liking using the editing tools at the bottom of the screen.

Share your masterpiece: Post your story and watch as others get inspired by your AI creation thanks to the “Try it” sticker.


5 AI-Powered Music Creation Tools 🎶

Outfit Anyone: A github project that allows you to try-on clothes for anyone. A platform that allows you to monetize chatbots for uncensored information & entertainment.

Snapby AI: A platform the generates lifelike images directly in Figma for free.

GradesAI: A platform that helps you boost grades, help you study, and more.

Magic: An optimization tool that upgrades your AI workflow with integrations with Bard, Claude, Midjourney, & more.


Weird Images Of The Day

Jesus running & gunning with the dinosaurs

Giraffe at the gallows in the Wild West

Everybody in the club wants Thanos


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The Hottest AI Tool Of 2023