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🤓 Stupid Simple: Magical Prompts

Months of testing... We Created Magic 🦄🔮🌟

After analyzing nearly 50 million interactions by AI users on Snack Prompt, we learned what it takes to create the perfect AI prompt.


Right now, I’m at my coffee shop. Yep, I opened a coffee shop when I was 25 years old (here it is), and I come here when I need to be creative. I’ve been coming here for weeks, analyzing how millions of people are using AI prompts and how one can create a perfect prompt. I think I finally got it.

Some prompts are effective; others feel like magic. They wow you every time. These magical prompts can literally impact industries and save hours of work for entire departments.

So, my team and I went to work… we created a framework that anyone can use to create world-class prompts, even if you know very little about LLMs and AI in general. And I did this for you. I wanted to share with the Stupid Simple family something that could give you an edge as you navigate this new world of AI…

The Snack Prompt Framework: The Structure of a Magical Prompt

  1. Role: Give ChatGPT (or any LLM) a specific persona, like a social media manager or fitness trainer.
  2. Task: Clearly specify what the AI should accomplish, such as compiling a market analysis or designing a survey.
  3. Format: Indicate the desired format, whether it’s a research article, social media post, or podcast script.
  4. Restrictions: Outline any limitations, like word count or avoiding technical jargon.
  5. Audience: Define who the content is for, such as young entrepreneurs or fitness enthusiasts.
  6. Goal or Metric: Set measurable outcomes to gauge success, like increasing subscriber count or boosting website traffic.
  7. Model or Example: Give an example or template for the AI to emulate, such as the style of Duolingo lessons or Tony Robbins seminars.
  8. Customize: Add any unique personalizations, like including FAQs or specific data sets.

Here’s a bad prompt 👎

Here’s a good prompt following the Snack Prompt Framework 👍

Here’s how I would use this prompt to create a blog for my coffee shop ☕

Oh… I broke it all down on this video for you 👇

I almost forgot… I have a special gift for you 🎁! Here’s a prompt that CREATES prompts. Crazy, right? I’ve designed a prompt that generates professional prompts tailored to your needs, and the best part is, it follows the Snack Prompt Framework. Click here 👉 Prompt Generator by Eder Teixeira

Another Real-World Application: Crafting a Coffee Shop Menu

To illustrate, let’s take a simple example. Simple, yet magical. Imagine you’re a coffee shop owner (just like me) and you want to create a seasonal menu. Using the Snack Prompt Framework, you can generate a dynamic prompt that not only designs your menu but also provides recipes, a grocery list, and pricing suggestions. Here’s a snippet of how it works:

Role: Cafe Manager or Creative Barista

Task: Design a seasonal and appealing menu for a coffee shop

Format: Interactive menu creation guide

Restrictions: Avoid overly complex ingredients

Audience: Coffee shop customers looking for seasonal flavors

Goal: Increase customer engagement and sales

Model: Reflect the style of popular coffee shop menus

Customization: Incorporate local tastes and seasonal ingredients

When you input this into ChatGPT, it not only gives you a list of delicious drinks but also includes detailed recipes and pricing suggestions. It’s like having your very own creative barista at your fingertips!

Conclusion: The Power of Thoughtful Prompts

Remember, crafting effective prompts is like sharpening your axe before cutting down a tree—it might take time, but the results are worth it. The Snack Prompt Framework is designed to help you unlock the full potential of ChatGPT, making your tasks easier and more efficient.

Crafting effective prompts is like sharpening your axe before cutting down a tree—it might take time, but the results are worth it.

I hope this framework helps you as much as it has helped us. I’d love to hear your thoughts and see how you’re using it. Feel free to share your experiences, and if you found this helpful, share it with someone who might benefit from it too.

Onwards and upwards! 🫡

If you enjoyed this post or know someone who may find it useful, please share it with them and encourage them to subscribe: 🍭 The Daily Bite

Happy prompting!

Founder | The Daily Bite & Snack Prompt


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