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Stable Diffusion Creator Leaves Stability AI

Tumblr's potential AI deal, US suing Apple for monopoly, and more...

Today’s Menu 🥠

  • US Suing Apple For Illegal Monopoly
  • Tumblr’s Potential Deal With Big Players
  • Stable Diffusion Creator Quits Stability AI
  • OpenAI’s Chatbot Store Filled With Spam

Fast Snacks 🥡

Universities Building Their Own ChatGPT-Like Tools
As concerns mount over the ethical and intellectual property implications of AI tools, universities are launching their own chatbots for faculty and students…

Saudi Arabia Plans To Make $40B Push Into AI
The Saudia Arabian government is planning a $40 billion AI investment fund, and is in talks with VC firm Andreessen Horowitz to partner on its AI fund…

Automatically Solve Zendesk Tickets With AI (partner)
Stylo can automatically generate unique replies from your internal and/or external Guide Help Center, translate messages to/from any language, and increase efficiency for all agents…


United States Sues Apple For Illegal Monopoly

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and 16 state and district attorneys general have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple, accusing it of maintaining an illegal monopoly in the smartphone market.

The lawsuit alleges that Apple engages in practices that limit competition and harm consumers, such as restricting super apps, blocking cloud-streaming apps, suppressing messaging quality with rival platforms, limiting third-party smartwatch functionality, and blocking digital wallets with tap-to-pay functionality.

Isn’t that a mouthful…

Apple defends its practices, arguing that the lawsuit threatens its integrated approach to technology design and could hinder its ability to create products as expected by consumers.

Tumlr’s Potential Deal With Midjourney & OpenAI

Tumblr is potentially entering a deal with Midjourney and OpenAI to rejuvenate the platform through artificial intelligence.

Midjourney may acquire Tumblr from Automattic, while OpenAI could bring its advanced AI technologies to enhance Tumblr’s user experience.

This partnership could introduce features like intelligent content recommendations, automated moderation, and personalized user experiences, leveraging AI to improve content discovery and engagement.

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Snack Quiz: Choose The Real Image 🔍

Can you tell which image is real?

  • A. Image One 👆
  • B. Image Two 👇

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Stable Diffusion Maker Leaves Stability AI

Robin Rombach, a key figure in the creation of the Stable Diffusion image generation model, is leaving Stability AI.

Rombach’s work on Stable Diffusion, alongside others from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, was instrumental in Stability AI’s ability to secure a $101 million Series A funding round.

Stability AI has acknowledged Rombach’s contributions and wished him well in his future endeavors, amidst a year of notable changes within its technical team, including the replacement of its CTO and losses of other key personnel.

OpenAI’s Chatbot Store Filling Up With Spam

The GPT Store by OpenAI is being overloaded with spam and rule-violating content, including custom GPTs that engage with copyrighted characters, impersonate public figures, and claim to bypass AI detection tools.

Despite OpenAI’s efforts to moderate the store through automated and human review, the rapid growth of the platform seems to have led to challenges in maintaining quality and adherence to usage rules.

This situation poses potential legal, ethical, and reputational risks for OpenAI, especially in light of ongoing IP litigation and concerns over academic dishonesty promoted by some GPTs.


5 Trending AI-Powered Tools

Magic: An optimization tool that upgrades your AI workflow with integrations with Bard, Claude, Midjourney, & more.

Forefront: Choose from powerful models, chat with files, browse the internet, bring your team, customize assistants, share chats, and much more.

Chaindesk: A no-code platform to create custom AI chatbots trained on your data.

HeadshotPro: Upload photos, pick style & receive 120+ generated headshots.

Brave: Real-time, high-quality web data that you can use for your AI applications.


Adam Sandler’s Never-Made Films


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Stable Diffusion Creator Leaves Stability AI